Image by Sydney Michalski. Sydney writes the Nature Moments newsletter here on Substack. Her work is stunning…I hope you will take a moment to also check out her website.
Embracing The Miracles
The journey to our essential centre is a journey home. It is a journey of no distance.
The illusion of distance is the very discovery we make. We come home to discover that we are in the very place we are now, and have always been.
Not only that, we can discover in the silence, in the stillness, that we are in the home of miracles. The miracle of awareness, of “I am ness”. The miracle of having a life, body, mind and life beyond the body and mind to express the essential nature of our “I am ness”. The miracle of the inseparable nature of existence. We are not separate from each other. Awakening to that reality causes the miracle of love to arise.
I hope you find this meditation valuable.
I wish you peace.
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