Joining Together
I was inspired to create this guided meditation after listening to the musician and performer Jacob Collier. The way that he engages with his audiences and creates a beautiful beautiful choir is stunning, and tear producing.
The example of the crowd singing is a deeply hopeful illustration of what we humans can do together, when we let go our fears and surrender to being with each other as we are.
If we can do it singing, then we can do it in all kinds of ways. I wish for a world where we do that.
I hope you find this meditation valuable.
I wish you peace.
A note…during this meditation you will hear a hail storm arrive. That is the noise you hear in the background including the whistling window noise. I thought to redo it of course, but I decided to leave it as it is, because meditations happen in all these kinds of situations. Peace will pass through many storms and has done so already.
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