Thanks ! The link to J Collier was great!

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I’ve heard Jacob’s music, and what I love about him is how he enrolls the audience participation. It’s brilliant and heartfelt. And yes, tears flow down my face. Thank you, Ian! 🙏🏽

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I'm afraid to say that this is my introduction to Jacob. I'm so uncool. But thank you for introducing me, I'm enjoying his music. It takes courage to let your heart be soft enough to cry easily and it is a true gift when others feel safe enough with you to do the same.

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Thanks Laura. I have been uncool for quite quite some time, and yet....🙂

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As I'm fond of saying, there is more that connects us than separates us. And music is one of those things that can so easily bridge divides!

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Amen Scott.

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OMG! That’s what it looks like when someone found their light! Beautiful! And how on Earth does he do that!

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I’ve heard Jacob’s music, and what I love about him is how he involves the audience. It’s brilliant and heartfelt. And yes, tears flow down my face. Thank you, Ian! 🙏🏽

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