Thanks Ian, God sent me your words that I just read and I love it. As a child of holocaust survivors I grew up with a complex trauma and with a mother in survival modus. Since 7/10/2023 we/I have been going true different stages of a new trauma and the survival modus is one of them. Thanks to my daily meditations and my awareness I am proud to succeed to stay out of the polarisation but still, it is very difficult to be in love and kindness to all creatures when such horrible things happen and when the world turns to become antisemitic again. Sorry for my english, it is not my language. Je vais me coucher, bonne nuit et Love Life Light to you and to all the world.
Thank you Muriel. Worry not about your is wonderful and way way better than my French. I appreciate your kind thoughts and your lifetime of efforts to move past and heal trauma. It is my deepest hope that love and kindness can overwhelm the blindness of thinking that there is an "other" we can blame or mistreat. Thank you for all your beautiful steps towards love and kindness.🙏🏼
Thank you, Ian, for helping me calm my amygdala. I especially appreciated "The value of your kindness and love is not measured by the apparent impact or the grandness of the gesture." It is hard to tell value and impact in the current moment, but essential to offer love nonetheless.
Your offering is so abundant with insightful thoughts and wonderful perceptions. I’m learning the French language for the fourth time and the word “lentement” comes to mind. It means slowly.
When emotional fear is involved, I believe in slowly and not acting or responding in haste. It has been my saving grace.
Again, I’m very grateful for your thoughts and calming voice. You have way of reminding us what is essential.
Thank you Ian! I’m deeply honored. Your wisdom and insight continue to help me dive deeper into truth. 🙏🏽
This wisdom thing is entirely a shared gig.... we have to figure out a way to do it together. Thank you for your love and support Yolanda.
Thanks Ian, God sent me your words that I just read and I love it. As a child of holocaust survivors I grew up with a complex trauma and with a mother in survival modus. Since 7/10/2023 we/I have been going true different stages of a new trauma and the survival modus is one of them. Thanks to my daily meditations and my awareness I am proud to succeed to stay out of the polarisation but still, it is very difficult to be in love and kindness to all creatures when such horrible things happen and when the world turns to become antisemitic again. Sorry for my english, it is not my language. Je vais me coucher, bonne nuit et Love Life Light to you and to all the world.
Thank you Muriel. Worry not about your is wonderful and way way better than my French. I appreciate your kind thoughts and your lifetime of efforts to move past and heal trauma. It is my deepest hope that love and kindness can overwhelm the blindness of thinking that there is an "other" we can blame or mistreat. Thank you for all your beautiful steps towards love and kindness.🙏🏼
Thank you, Ian, for helping me calm my amygdala. I especially appreciated "The value of your kindness and love is not measured by the apparent impact or the grandness of the gesture." It is hard to tell value and impact in the current moment, but essential to offer love nonetheless.
Thank you Hans. The step of first and last resort....Love.
Beautifully said Ian ❤️
Thank you Nancy.🙏🏼
Your offering is so abundant with insightful thoughts and wonderful perceptions. I’m learning the French language for the fourth time and the word “lentement” comes to mind. It means slowly.
When emotional fear is involved, I believe in slowly and not acting or responding in haste. It has been my saving grace.
Again, I’m very grateful for your thoughts and calming voice. You have way of reminding us what is essential.
Thank you Julie. "lentement" seems like a beautiful word for your saving grace. Thank you for taking time to read my posts. Blessings to you.