How I know that disconnect between what I idealize and what I often feel like doing to the one who “wronged” me. Thanks, Ian, for the awareness of our humanness ❤️
Love it Ian. As we've spoken of many a time, the dance of the yin-yang in all parts of our lives. In stillness there must be movement, and in movement there must be stillness. The turning of the two is what creates movement and momentum in any direction.
Thanks Barbara: Interesting times...this is the first cyclone to make landfall this far south in 50 years. In the north there are always 3 or 4 cyclones at this time of year, but this one is going to land on about 4 million peoples' we pray.
Yes, we pray for minimal damages! My husband and I got hit twice last fall in Florida with hurricanes that caused quite the devastation. May all be safe there!
How I know that disconnect between what I idealize and what I often feel like doing to the one who “wronged” me. Thanks, Ian, for the awareness of our humanness ❤️
Thanks Bill. One regular human to another.🙏🏼
Hi Ian! Thank you! Sending blessings of safety and strength. 🙏🏽
Love it Ian. As we've spoken of many a time, the dance of the yin-yang in all parts of our lives. In stillness there must be movement, and in movement there must be stillness. The turning of the two is what creates movement and momentum in any direction.
Thank you Scott.☯️
Thank you, Ian for this beautiful post on operating from a love space. May Australia be safe and secure!
Thanks Barbara: Interesting times...this is the first cyclone to make landfall this far south in 50 years. In the north there are always 3 or 4 cyclones at this time of year, but this one is going to land on about 4 million peoples' we pray.
Yes, we pray for minimal damages! My husband and I got hit twice last fall in Florida with hurricanes that caused quite the devastation. May all be safe there!
Thank you Barbara.
That William Blake blessing is lovely!
And also, hope Alfred is not too bad!
Thanks Gillian. We have battened the hatches.